Keny Galleries
Since 1980
Publications | Film

In a New Light:
Alice Schille and the American Water Color Movement
New! 3rd Edition Available

Written by:
Kathleen A. Foster
Tara R. Keny,
James M. Keny
Nanette V. Maciejunes
Editor: Christopher S. Duckworth
3rd Edition
Copyright 2022
Hardcover | Glossy | 138 pages
This publication accompany the exhibition In a New Light: Alice Schille and the Water Color Movement, held at the Columbus Museum of Art from June 14, 2019, to September 29, 2019.
To order, please call the gallery at (614) 464 -1228.

+ tax & $7.95 s/h

A film by
Irene Kim Chin
and Kurt Vincent

+ tax & $5 s/h
A rediscovery of Alice Schille’s artistic legacy.
SCHILLE is a film about Alice Schille, the brilliant 20th-century painter who was widely acclaimed in her day before falling into near obscurity. The artist’s rediscovery is documented in this touching portrait of a father and daughter working together to excavate the life and work of an artist deserving of critical reappraisal. Jim Keny, art historian and galleriest, alongside his twin brother Tim, has spent the past 40 years researching and championing the work of Columbus, Ohio native Schille. Tara Keny, Jim’s daughter, an up-and-coming curator helps take her father and uncle’s lifework to new heights, resulting in a career-spanning exhibit of Schille at the Columbus Museum of Art in 2019.
This poetic and meditative documentary is directed and edited by Irene Kim Chin and Kurt Vincent (The Lost Arcade, 2016) and features cinematography by Logan Floyd (Poser, 2021), whose stunning camerawork captures Schille’s artwork with lyrical intensity. The film features an original score by award-winning composer Gil Talmi with vocals by Brooklyn-based recording artist NOIA, and an original song.
2021- 27 minutes- Color
Stereo- 16:9 aspect ratio
In English with optional English subtitles.
Copyright 2021
26 Aries LLC. All rights reserved.
Loose Films
To order, please call the gallery at (614) 464-1228.