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Rod Bouc
Contemporary Works on Paper

Artist's Statement:

I studied drawing and painting at the University of Nebraska and Ohio Sate University. My paintings are done with paint sticks which are pigment and wax on board. The images range from a coarse pointillism to being crisply articulated. The subject matter, though drawn from photographs taken in Ohio, Iowa or Nebraska, all key into memories of the land I came to know and understand growing up on a farm in Nebraska. I am very interested in the way light and shadows can evoke emotions in the landscape. Nature works both as an image and a metaphor for my everyday life. The mood that is set sometimes reminds me of my ancestors and their history with the land. Sometimes it expresses inner emotions. I am always amazed at the way that I feel or the way that it lifts me out of myself.

I have come to realize that paintings do the same thing. You can look at repeatedly and come away with a different reaction each time. My subject matter is no longer a representation of my surroundings but a pursuit of how I express the feeling of what I saw.

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